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Documentation / leds / uleds.txt

Based on kernel version 4.16.1. Page generated on 2018-04-09 11:53 EST.

1	Userspace LEDs
2	==============
4	The uleds driver supports userspace LEDs. This can be useful for testing
5	triggers and can also be used to implement virtual LEDs.
8	Usage
9	=====
11	When the driver is loaded, a character device is created at /dev/uleds. To
12	create a new LED class device, open /dev/uleds and write a uleds_user_dev
13	structure to it (found in kernel public header file linux/uleds.h).
15	    #define LED_MAX_NAME_SIZE 64
17	    struct uleds_user_dev {
18	        char name[LED_MAX_NAME_SIZE];
19	    };
21	A new LED class device will be created with the name given. The name can be
22	any valid sysfs device node name, but consider using the LED class naming
23	convention of "devicename:color:function".
25	The current brightness is found by reading a single byte from the character
26	device. Values are unsigned: 0 to 255. Reading will block until the brightness
27	changes. The device node can also be polled to notify when the brightness value
28	changes.
30	The LED class device will be removed when the open file handle to /dev/uleds
31	is closed.
33	Multiple LED class devices are created by opening additional file handles to
34	/dev/uleds.
36	See tools/leds/uledmon.c for an example userspace program.
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