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Documentation / sphinx / convert_template.sed

Based on kernel version 4.10.8. Page generated on 2017-04-01 14:44 EST.

1	#
2	# Pandoc doesn't grok <function> or <structname>, so convert them
3	# ahead of time.
4	#
5	# Use the following escapes to pass through pandoc:
6	#	$bq = "`"
7	#	$lt = "<"
8	#	$gt = ">"
9	#
10	s%<function>\([^<(]\+\)()</function>%:c:func:$bq\1()$bq%g
11	s%<function>\([^<(]\+\)</function>%:c:func:$bq\1()$bq%g
12	s%<structname>struct *\([^<]\+\)</structname>%:c:type:$bqstruct \1 $lt\1$gt$bq%g
13	s%struct <structname>\([^<]\+\)</structname>%:c:type:$bqstruct \1 $lt\1$gt$bq%g
14	s%<structname>\([^<]\+\)</structname>%:c:type:$bqstruct \1 $lt\1$gt$bq%g
15	#
16	# Wrap docproc directives in para and code blocks.
17	#
18	s%^\(!.*\)$%<para><code>DOCPROC: \1</code></para>%
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