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Documentation / DocBook / media / v4l / pixfmt-y12i.xml

Based on kernel version 4.7.2. Page generated on 2016-08-22 22:45 EST.

1	<refentry id="V4L2-PIX-FMT-Y12I">
2	  <refmeta>
3	    <refentrytitle>V4L2_PIX_FMT_Y12I ('Y12I')</refentrytitle>
4	    &manvol;
5	  </refmeta>
6	  <refnamediv>
7	    <refname><constant>V4L2_PIX_FMT_Y12I</constant></refname>
8	    <refpurpose>Interleaved grey-scale image, e.g. from a stereo-pair</refpurpose>
9	  </refnamediv>
10	  <refsect1>
11	    <title>Description</title>
13	    <para>This is a grey-scale image with a depth of 12 bits per pixel, but with
14	pixels from 2 sources interleaved and bit-packed. Each pixel is stored in a
15	24-bit word in the little-endian order. On a little-endian machine these pixels
16	can be deinterlaced using</para>
18	<para>
19	<programlisting>
20	__u8 *buf;
21	left0 = 0xfff &amp; *(__u16 *)buf;
22	right0 = *(__u16 *)(buf + 1) >> 4;
23	</programlisting>
24	</para>
26	    <example>
27	      <title><constant>V4L2_PIX_FMT_Y12I</constant> 2 pixel data stream taking 3 bytes</title>
29	      <formalpara>
30		<title>Bit-packed representation</title>
31		<para>pixels cross the byte boundary and have a ratio of 3 bytes for each
32	          interleaved pixel.
33		  <informaltable frame="all">
34		    <tgroup cols="3" align="center">
35		      <colspec align="left" colwidth="2*" />
36		      <tbody valign="top">
37			<row>
38			  <entry>Y'<subscript>0left[7:0]</subscript></entry>
39			  <entry>Y'<subscript>0right[3:0]</subscript>Y'<subscript>0left[11:8]</subscript></entry>
40			  <entry>Y'<subscript>0right[11:4]</subscript></entry>
41			</row>
42		      </tbody>
43		    </tgroup>
44		  </informaltable>
45		</para>
46	      </formalpara>
47	    </example>
48	  </refsect1>
49	</refentry>
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