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Documentation / DocBook / media / v4l / pixfmt-yuv410.xml

Based on kernel version 4.7.2. Page generated on 2016-08-22 22:45 EST.

1	    <refentry>
2	      <refmeta>
3		<refentrytitle>V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU410 ('YVU9'), V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV410 ('YUV9')</refentrytitle>
4		&manvol;
5	      </refmeta>
6	      <refnamediv>
7		<refname id="V4L2-PIX-FMT-YVU410"><constant>V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU410</constant></refname>
8		<refname id="V4L2-PIX-FMT-YUV410"><constant>V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV410</constant></refname>
9		<refpurpose>Planar formats with &frac14; horizontal and
10	vertical chroma resolution, also known as YUV 4:1:0</refpurpose>
11	      </refnamediv>
12	      <refsect1>
13		<title>Description</title>
15		<para>These are planar formats, as opposed to a packed format.
16	The three components are separated into three sub-images or planes.
17	The Y plane is first. The Y plane has one byte per pixel. For
18	<constant>V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU410</constant>, the Cr plane immediately
19	follows the Y plane in memory. The Cr plane is &frac14; the width and
20	&frac14; the height of the Y plane (and of the image). Each Cr belongs
21	to 16 pixels, a four-by-four square of the image. Following the Cr
22	plane is the Cb plane, just like the Cr plane.
23	<constant>V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV410</constant> is the same, except the Cb
24	plane comes first, then the Cr plane.</para>
26		<para>If the Y plane has pad bytes after each row, then the Cr
27	and Cb planes have &frac14; as many pad bytes after their rows. In
28	other words, four Cx rows (including padding) are exactly as long as
29	one Y row (including padding).</para>
31		<example>
32		  <title><constant>V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU410</constant> 4 &times; 4
33	pixel image</title>
35		  <formalpara>
36		    <title>Byte Order.</title>
37		    <para>Each cell is one byte.
38			<informaltable frame="none">
39			<tgroup cols="5" align="center">
40			  <colspec align="left" colwidth="2*" />
41			  <tbody valign="top">
42			    <row>
43			      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;0:</entry>
44			      <entry>Y'<subscript>00</subscript></entry>
45			      <entry>Y'<subscript>01</subscript></entry>
46			      <entry>Y'<subscript>02</subscript></entry>
47			      <entry>Y'<subscript>03</subscript></entry>
48			    </row>
49			    <row>
50			      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;4:</entry>
51			      <entry>Y'<subscript>10</subscript></entry>
52			      <entry>Y'<subscript>11</subscript></entry>
53			      <entry>Y'<subscript>12</subscript></entry>
54			      <entry>Y'<subscript>13</subscript></entry>
55			    </row>
56			    <row>
57			      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;8:</entry>
58			      <entry>Y'<subscript>20</subscript></entry>
59			      <entry>Y'<subscript>21</subscript></entry>
60			      <entry>Y'<subscript>22</subscript></entry>
61			      <entry>Y'<subscript>23</subscript></entry>
62			    </row>
63			    <row>
64			      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;12:</entry>
65			      <entry>Y'<subscript>30</subscript></entry>
66			      <entry>Y'<subscript>31</subscript></entry>
67			      <entry>Y'<subscript>32</subscript></entry>
68			      <entry>Y'<subscript>33</subscript></entry>
69			    </row>
70			    <row>
71			      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;16:</entry>
72			      <entry>Cr<subscript>00</subscript></entry>
73			    </row>
74			    <row>
75			      <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;17:</entry>
76			      <entry>Cb<subscript>00</subscript></entry>
77			    </row>
78			  </tbody>
79			</tgroup>
80			</informaltable>
81		      </para>
82		  </formalpara>
84		  <formalpara>
85		    <title>Color Sample Location.</title>
86		    <para>
87			<informaltable frame="none">
88			<tgroup cols="7" align="center">
89			  <tbody valign="top">
90			    <row>
91			      <entry></entry>
92			      <entry>0</entry><entry></entry><entry>1</entry><entry></entry>
93			      <entry>2</entry><entry></entry><entry>3</entry>
94			    </row>
95			    <row>
96			      <entry>0</entry>
97			      <entry>Y</entry><entry></entry><entry>Y</entry><entry></entry>
98			      <entry>Y</entry><entry></entry><entry>Y</entry>
99			    </row>
100			    <row>
101			      <entry></entry>
102			    </row>
103			    <row>
104			      <entry>1</entry>
105			      <entry>Y</entry><entry></entry><entry>Y</entry><entry></entry>
106			      <entry>Y</entry><entry></entry><entry>Y</entry>
107			    </row>
108			    <row>
109			      <entry></entry>
110			      <entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry><entry>C</entry>
111			      <entry></entry><entry></entry><entry></entry>
112			    </row>
113			    <row>
114			      <entry>2</entry>
115			      <entry>Y</entry><entry></entry><entry>Y</entry><entry></entry>
116			      <entry>Y</entry><entry></entry><entry>Y</entry>
117			    </row>
118			    <row>
119			      <entry></entry>
120			    </row>
121			    <row>
122			      <entry>3</entry>
123			      <entry>Y</entry><entry></entry><entry>Y</entry><entry></entry>
124			      <entry>Y</entry><entry></entry><entry>Y</entry>
125			    </row>
126			  </tbody>
127			</tgroup>
128			</informaltable>
129		      </para>
130		  </formalpara>
131		</example>
132	      </refsect1>
133	    </refentry>
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